Sunday, January 22, 2012

MAC Week 4 Reading: 9-12

A wise saying from father to a son.

Standing in the center of radiating possibility.

This next block of text was probably my favorite in the last four chapters, I can almost picture Mr. Zander on his bike trying to get to the museum. The first four statements are all about the kind of attitude one needs to maintain to keep the following paragraphs alive as radiating possibility.

In reading about "being the board itself" it felt very natural to associate it to the notion of "one button playing", in which a player becomes aware to the point that they are not playing with emphasis on one note to the next, but instead are able to play with emphasis on entire phrases and untimely the entire piece.

An uplifting thought from Nelson Mandela

"We practice" is a dive into interpersonal relationships and diplomacy at large.

This was a great book, so many little treasures lie within. 
I'll be recommending to many of my friends and family.


  1. @Adam,
    The last statement you wrote down about the little treasures lie with in is a brilliant analysts of this reading of the Art of Possibilities. You seem to harness the brilliant points that Zander was providing to the reader. The life's little lessons that he experienced through his eyes. Zander is super intelligent and his compassion is very evident throughout this book. The be the board is a key component as one travels through life. It is such a different approach that many do not seem to allow them shelves to actual be. Many see them shelves as a small chess piece as a pawn in the huge game of chess. Once again, I enjoy your vision of the readings. You capture great points through this reading of The Art of Possibility.
    Thanks again

  2. Adam, I love how you provided quotes from the book and other sources to make your audience become apart of the readings. The title definately explains the book. There are so many possibilites within that can teach you so much about life. Way to go!

  3. Again such great quotes... I especially love Mendela's quote given his struggles, that he would believe in the good in us, demand that we live in that light and not succumb to the belief that we are evil. Amazing.
