I just finished reading Kate Caraway's leadership post, and what should be a no brainer for me suddenly feels like a slightly more complicated decision. In all honesty I am starting to think a a work for publication would be the quicker easier route, and by no means am I trying to down play the amount of work it would take to turn my CBR into a quality APA formatted paper. I am just saying the research is done, the material for print is all there in my notes, lit review, and web site, so in a way it would write itself. The truth is, I believe my CBR is really best suited for presentation. I mean I already have a version of my lit rev drafted as a dynamic lecture, why not take the process one step further and do the whole experience as a presentation. Dilemmas, Dilemmas...
This example from a previous class, tied to my CBR, might be a good one to follow.
I am pretty sure a CBR presentation is in my future...
Decisions, decisions... which one are you doing?